TenCate Receives Additional US Military Orders

The US Army has placed an order with the Union City, Ga.-based TenCate Protective Fabrics —
through Washington-based army uniform manufacturer Sitnasuak Native Corp. (SNC) — for 80,000
uniforms made with the company’s Gen2 fabric. The flame-resistant, universal camouflage-printed
fabrics are made with Nomex® fibers treated to provide a softer, more comfortable hand than
competitive fabrics made with Nomex.

“Flame-resistant fabrics have become an important part of the war fighter’s equipment in
response to the increased flame threat posed by IEDs [improvised explosive devices],” said Guido
Vliegen, vice president, global marketing, strategy and integration, TenCate. “The universal
camouflage print is the ‘digital style’ print that the US Army switched to about a year and a half

This latest order comes on the heels of orders placed earlier this year by the US Marine
Corps for uniforms made with TenCate’s Defender™ M and camouflage-printed fabrics. The combined
orders total $17 million.

October 23, 2007