DAK Fibers LLC, Charlotte, has developed an antimicrobial polyester staple fiber, SteriPur® AM.
Created in conjunction with Spartanburg-based MillikenandCompany, the fiber contains Milliken®
Chemicals AlphaSan® antimicrobial resin. AlphaSan is a zirconium phosphate-based ceramic ion
exchange resin that contains silver, which slows the growth of a broad spectrum of microorganisms
in textiles.AlphaSan is incorporated into the fibers during the polymer stage of manufacturing,
creating permanent antimicrobial properties.This innovation provides customers with another
opportunity to differentiate their products in the marketplace, said Jim Netzel, director of sales
and marketing, DAK Fibers. The end-uses for SteriPur are truly innumerable.SteriPur applications
include apparel, hosiery, home furnishings and nonwovens.
December 2003