ICRA Announces Sponsorship Program

WASHINGTON — October 27, 2015 — The International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA) has announced a sponsorship program to partially support cotton researchers to attend the World Cotton Research Conference-6. These conferences are held every 4-5 years and the WCRC-6 will be held in Goiânia – Goiás, Brazil from May 2-6, 2016. The Conference comprises of four Plenary Sessions, a number of specialized conconcurrent sessions and two technical tours after the Conference. All aspects of of production research, technology transfer, ginning and fiber quality will be discussed.

The primary objective of ICRA, that ICAC helped to establish in 2012, is to promote networking among cotton researchers, serve as international voice on cotton research and organize world cotton research conferences. In additional to the local sponsors and a great help from the Brazilian cotton sector in particular the farmers associations,ICAC, CABI, FAO and CIRAD are sponsoring the Conference. ICRA is using this sponsorship to provide partial support to researchers around the world. The sponsorships available are air ticket up to US$1,500, registration fee plus hotel (estimated at US#1,200), cash payment of US$1,000 and free registration. The public sector researchers can apply for any one sponsorship. Details about the sponsorship are available at https://www.icac.org/mtgs/WCRC/WCRC-6, http://www.icracotton.org/sponsorship-for-wcrc6-in-brazil/  and http://www.wcrc-6.com. The last date to apply is November 15, 2015. The world cotton research conferences are a unique event for researchers in cotton production areas.   

Posted November 3, 2015

Source: ICAC