American Truetzschler Investment To Create 30 Jobs

Charlotte-based American Truetzschler Inc. — a supplier of spinning, nonwovens and card clothing
machinery, and a subsidiary of Germany-based Trützschler GmbH & Co. KG — has announced its
$3.5 million expansion in Greer, S.C., will create 30 jobs. The company reported in early February
that it had acquired the U.S. business of John D. Hollingsworth on Wheels Inc., (HOW), a
Greenville-based designer, manufacturer, servicer and tester of textile equipment
(See ”
Acquires John D. Hollingsworth on Wheels’ U.S. Business
,” Feb. 9, 2010)
. American
Truetzschler Inc. took over HOW’s existing equipment as well as its employees, enabling the company
to maintain HOW’s production.

“Our operations in Greer are an important part of our company’s total manufacturing
capacity, and we are pleased to expand our production capabilities with a facility there,” said
Detlef Jaekel, vice president of the Technical Division, American Truetzschler. “South Carolina
will provide us with an excellent business environment and a skilled workforce to suit our needs.
We are pleased to move forward with our operations in South Carolina’s Upstate.”

American Truetzschler’s investment in Greer will enable the company to grow its textile
machinery and card clothing manufacturing operations. It will immediately begin adding equipment to
the facility.

“American Truetzschler is a major manufacturer of machinery for spinning preparation and
nonwovens, and their investment in South Carolina enhances the state’s advanced manufacturing
industry,” said Joe Taylor, Secretary of Commerce. “As the market rebounds, we believe that
American Truetzschler’s acquisition of these operations will make the facilities stronger and
better positioned for future growth.”

February 23, 2010