Northeast TAPPI And PIMA Sections Merge To Form Empire State TAPPI/PIMA

The Norcross, Ga.-based Technical Association of the Pulp, Paper, Packaging and Converting
Industries’s (TAPPI’s) Empire State Division and The Paper Industry Management Association’s
(PIMA’s) New York/Canadian Division have merged to form Empire State TAPPI/PIMA. The new
organization will offer services to individuals working in the pulp and paper, corrugated,
nonwovens and packaging industries in New England — including Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New
York, Pennsylvania and Vermont — as well as in parts of Ontario and Quebec.

“Because we have joined these two organizations we are now in a better position to provide
more services, better programs and true value to our membership,” said Eric Ouderkirk of Nalco,
immediate past chair of Empire State TAPPI and previous chair of New York/Canadian PIMA. “The paper
industry has been under stress for a number of years. In the case of Empire State TAPPI and the
NY/Canadian Division of PIMA, our spirited collaboration over the past several years has resulted
in a deliverable to the local paper industry that is being valued and most importantly, utilized.”

February 16, 2010