IFAI Intends To Go Forward With IFAI Expo 2001 As Planned

IFAI Expo 2001 seminars take on new importance in light of recent eventsThe tragic events of September11 shocked everyone within the technical fabrics industry as well as the world.Naturally, the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) hasreceived a number of inquiries concerning whether or not theorganization plans to hold IFAI Expo 2001, October 18-20, 2001, inNashville, Tenn.IFAI has confirmed that it intends to go forward with IFAI Expo 2001.”President Bush said that the best thing we can do is get back tobusiness and that’s what we intend to do,”IFAI president Stephen Warner said.Warner said that IFAI has been encouraged by several exhibitors andvisitors to continue with the show. “Only 3 of our 464 exhibitorshave decided not to participate, and two other companies have reserved space since September 11,” he said.Two seminar topics that had already been scheduled for Thursday,October 18, now take on new importance:Richard Healing, Director of the Office of Safety and Survivability,U.S. Department of the Navy, is conducting a program that willidentify applications for textiles. Healing also will provide a forecast of the military’s needs for textiles.Jack London of Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP) will give areview of DSCP business practices and future business opportunitiesfor professionals involved in the military and safety and protective technical fabric industries.Londonis the head of the supply group that purchases tents, tarps, covers,protective clothing and other items. In emergencies, such as the tragedies in New York and Washington D.C.,the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) gets theirsupplies through DSCP.Please contact Stephen Warner, IFAI president, at 651-225-6909 ore-mail smwarner@ifai.com; or Susan Larson, vice president, ConferenceManagement, at 651-225-6956 or e-mail sblarson@ifai.com with questionsor concerns. You may also visit www.ifai.com for the most up-to-dateinformation.IFAI is a not-for-profit trade association whose more than 2,000member companies represent the international technical fabricsmarketplace. IFAI Expo 2001, to be held October 18-20, is NorthAmerica’s largest technical fabrics industry exposition.