Springfield To Distribute, Expand DuPont Protera™ Line

Wilmington, Del.-based DuPont has signed an agreement with Gaffney, S.C.-based Springfield LLC — a
manufacturer of uniforms, sportswear and outwear, as well as flame-resistant (FR) and protective
fabrics for military, government, and other applications — granting Springfield manufacturing and
distribution rights for DuPont’s Protera™ fabric in the United States and the Caribbean.
Springfield also will develop new fabrics to add to the Protera line.

Protera is an inherently FR fabric with built-in permanent thermal protection properties.
According to Springfield, apparel made with Protera is very comfortable and durable, and has better
lifecycle value than FR cotton/nylon apparel of a similar weight. The fabric was created to protect
industrial workers against electric arc hazards, and it meets National Fire Protection Association
Category 2 requirements.

“Springfield LLC FR textile business has had a long relationship with DuPont and with Protera
products and services,” said Ed Shogan, CEO, Springfield. “This transition will be seamless and add
to the success of an already successful brand.”

DuPont will continue to offer mills and end users technical and sales assistance for Protera

February 9, 2010