SGIA Award Nomination Deadlines Near

The nomination deadlines are drawing
near for a number of awards to be presented at SGIA ’07, sponsored by the Fairfax, Va.-based
Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) and scheduled to be held Oct. 24-27, 2007, in Orlando,

The submission deadline for the DPI Innovator Award is September 7; the DPI Product of the
Year Award, September 14; the Golden Image/Andre Schellenberg award, September 21; and the DPI
Vision Award, September 30.

For more information, and to make nominations, visit, keyword awards.

In other news, SGIA has made available the latest version of its Right-To-Know Training
Program, which aids specialty imagers in complying with government-mandated safety training for
their employees. It is now available for the first time on DVD, in English or Spanish.

SGIA also has made available its wage and salary survey and results of its market strategies
survey at, keyword surveys.

The association is currently conducting its biennial wage and salary survey in an effort to
determine competitive pay rates for employees in the specialty imaging industry, according to Marci
Kinter, vice president, government and business information. “The Surveys Statistics area of compiles data specialty imaging professionals need to make the best possible business
decisions — and compensation is one of the most important of those decisions.

SGIA’s Market Strategies Survey report, which gives an idea of how graphics producers and
garment decorators generate new clients, is now available at its website.

In addition, SGIA has made available results of digital equipment evaluations conducted by
SGIA staff on roll-to-roll printers and ultraviolet flatbeds from EFI/VUTEk, Océ and MacDermid
ColorSpan Inc. SGIA plans to add more manufacturers in additional digital equipment categories in
the future. The resource is available at, keyword evaluations.

August 7, 2007