Philadelphia University’s ITAPS Preliminary Tests Find Toxic Agents In Imported Children’s Apparel, Car Seats

Preliminary findings in tests conducted by Philadelphia University’s recently established Institute
for Textile and Apparel Product Safety (ITAPS) indicate the presence of hazardous chemicals in
samples of imported children’s apparel and car seats.

Elevated levels of formaldehyde, used to provide permanent press attributes, were found in
blouses and khaki pants; while brominated resins — used to provide flame retardancy to consumer
products such as car seats, mattresses and others — were found in high levels in the car seats.

“Although we are still in the preliminary stages of testing, we are concerned that the levels
of formaldehyde and brominated flame retardants we are starting to find are known to have health
consequences, especially for children,” said Dr. David Brookstein, ITAPS director.

ITAPS was established to conduct research and develop testing and evaluation protocols to use
in determining the presence of potentially toxic chemicals and identifying specific chemicals and
their levels of use in imported apparel and other textile products.

According to the US Department of Commerce’s Office of Textiles and Apparel, global imports
of textiles and apparel into the United States totaled more than $93 billion in the year ending
July 31, 2007.

December 4, 2007