Sappi Fine Paper North America Announces $2.5M Coater Re-build Capital Project At Its Westbrook Mill

BOSTON — January 9, 2013 — Sappi Fine Paper North America today announced the approval for its
$2.5M capital project to re-build a specialty paper coater at its Westbrook Mill in Westbrook,
Maine. The investment is comprised of an upgrade in the web handling, coating and drying
capabilities of #20 coater. Bringing expanded manufacturing capacity, and delivering higher yield,
this upgrade allows Sappi’s Release business to sustain market leadership with its Classics product
line into the next decade.

“This is tremendous news for Westbrook Mill,” said Donna Cassese, Managing Director,
Westbrook Mill, SFPNA. “Over the past few years, we have made significant gains in safety, yield,
equipment reliability, and productivity; all of which have strengthened our market position
globally. These accomplishments helped set the stage for the decision to invest in our Classics

The Westbrook Mill makes specialized release papers. The Classics line is used to provide the
textures and patterns for synthetic fabrics used in automobiles, fashionable footwear and apparel
as well as decorative laminate surfaces found in flooring, kitchens, and baths.

This project will also contribute to Sappi’s commitment to sustainability as the improvements
will allow for use of a wider range of raw materials and improve energy efficiency. The re-build is
anticipated to be completed by May of 2013.

Posted on January 15, 2013

Source: Sappi Fine Paper North America/PRNewswire