The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has asked for comments on a proposed rule that would
require manufacturers of children’s products to place permanent labels on products and packaging
that would help facilitate recalls of unsafe products. Comments will be received until April 27 on
the regulation, which is scheduled to go into effect Aug. 14, 2009.
Under the proposed rule, labels would provide information about the date and place where a
product is made. In issuing the proposal, CPSC said that to the extent a uniform approach to
labeling can be developed, consumers would be better informed in the event of a product recall.
CPSC is seeking guidance from manufactures with respect to the practicability of labeling
and other business considerations, including suggestions as to how the rule can be implemented.
The text of the proposal is in the February, 2009, Federal Register Vol. 74 No. 37. For
further information, contact CPSC +301-504-7923.
March 31, 2009