Glen Raven Plant Honored For Workplace Safety

Glen Raven, N.C.-based technical fabrics manufacturer Glen Raven Inc.’s Anderson, S.C.,
manufacturing site has been recognized by the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance and the South
Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation for its safety ranking and improvements and
achievement of more than 1 million hours without a lost-time accident. The plant, which also
recently received Wildlife and Industry Together (WAIT) certification from the S.C. Wildlife
(see ”
Raven Plant Receives WAIT Certification
,” April 6, 2010)
, is the main manufacturing
location for the company’s Sunbrella® performance fabrics.

“Everyone at Anderson plant shares in these recognitions because everyone here plays an
active role in making our workplace safer,” said Connie Rice, organizational development and
training manager at the Anderson plant. “We are proving every day the importance of management
commitment and employee ownership when it comes to safety.

June 8, 2010