THE NETHERLANDS — October 25, 2017 — The new short documentary “Love of the Fall” follows skateboarders testing abrasion and tear-resistant concept jeans made of Durable Denim with Dyneema® at the legendary Prado Bowl in Marseille.
Skateboarding is about falling down — and getting up only to try again and again. It is a process that leaves a lot of rips, tears and grazes. The Dyneema® Project worked with Amsterdam’s Denim City to come up with a pair of 90’s-style chino concept jeans with Durable Denim made with Dyneema that would speak directly to true bowl riders: light, comfortable and protective. The denim used to do the tests contains up to 8-percent Dyneema fiber.
Fifteen times stronger than steel, but so lightweight that it floats on water, Dyneema, the world’s strongest fiber™, has long been used to moor oil rigs, stop bullets, and repair humans. It is now being applied to some of the world’s most innovative denim fabrics.
Following the previous videos in the Trailblazers Series, The Dyneema® Project once again strives to display cutting-edge brands and state-of-the-art mills — to create fabrics for performance-inspired apparel, footwear and accessories. We let the final products tell the rest of the story. “These fabrics are manufactured by some of the best mills worldwide, to create many different options of durable denim, with improved level of comfort, lightness and strength.” says Giovanni Henssen, European Business Development manager at DSM Dyneema.
The short film Love of the Fall shows the jeans being tested at Marseille’s Prado Bowl by skateboarders Samuel Geoni (FR), Michael Kaba (FR) and Tim Zom (NL). They were impressed; no rips after a slam or a fall, and no abrasions when sliding on the concrete, while still feeling like a normal pair of skate jeans. “They really seem indestructible,” said Geoni.
The film also features Jean-Pierre Collinet (architect of Prado Bowl) and Laurent ‘Momo’ Molinier (owner of Bud Skateshop) who talked about the Prado Bowl’s history and significance. Built 25 years ago, the beachside icon remains a pilgrimage site for bowl riders worldwide. “We really built something out of nothing,” says Collinet as he dropped by to skate ‘his Prado Bowl’ for the first time in ten years.
Posted October 26, 2017
Source: Dyneema®