HoverTech International Makes Safe Patient Handling History With Innovative HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — July 25, 2018 — Committed to continuous innovation in the field of safe patient handling for all-day care, HoverTech International — www.HoverMatt.com — has developed a next-generation solution: the HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet, an air-assisted transfer device and lift sling in one. The Repositioning Sheet allows caregivers to use one product for nearly all patient handling tasks, including: lateral transfers, boosting, positioning, turning, and vertical lifting. The versatility of this device streamlines patient handling by reducing the amount of time and money spent using multiple products.

With the HoverSling Repositioning Sheet, caregivers and patients benefit from trusted HoverMatt® air-assisted technology, as a cushion of air beneath the inflated device reduces the force required to move a patient by 80-90 percent. This ensures caregivers can safely transfer, turn and position patients without lifting or straining, while eliminating shear and reducing friction to protect the patient’s skin and provide a more comfortable experience. The HoverSling Repositioning Sheet can also be employed as a sling to perform vertical lifts for patient transfers or linen changes and turns for hygiene and wound care with no manual effort.

The HoverSling Repositioning Sheet features advanced breathable textiles that exceed the market standards for breathability. This enhancement protects the integrity of the patient’s skin by minimizing heat and moisture buildup, so caregivers can confidently leave the product under their patients for their entire length of stay.

Posted July 27, 2018

Source: HoverTech International