MONROE, N.C. — August 13, 2018 — Goulston Technologies Inc. held a groundbreaking ceremony on Monday, August 13, 2018, to kick off a recently announced expansion in Monroe, N.C. The new expansion will add 54,000 square feet of manufacturing and warehouse space. This space will be used to house new chemical manufacturing and blending equipment, additional bulk chemical storage and some specialty manufacturing.
Phase 1 of the project is the construction of the new building and will cost almost $7 million. Phase 1 is projected to be complete in July 2019. Phases 2 and 3 include manufacturing, blending, bulk chemical storage and utilities that are expected to require additional capital investment of almost $20 million. Phase 2 will begin as soon as Phase 1 is complete.
Goulston remains a leader in the highly technical field of surface modification. Fred Edwards, president & COO, stated, “this investment will allow us to streamline and automate some of our manufacturing processes so that we remain a competitive player in the global chemical markets.” Approximately 55 percent of Goulston’s production is exported to more than 40 countries.
In fact, Goulston exports represent 2.5 percent of the total chemical exports from the Charlotte MSA (which includes three S.C. counties). Total chemical exports for this region are approximately $2 billion.
Representatives of the City of Monroe, Union County and local economic development were on hand to help with this celebration of American manufacturing expansion.
Goulston Technologies is a specialty chemical manufacturer and formulator with sales in the USA and exports to more than 40 countries. Its products are used in the manufacture and processing of synthetic fibers, plastics and films.
Posted August 13, 2018
Source: Goulston Technologies