FILTREX™ Asia 2018 Closes To Great Acclaim  –  Over 200 Key Stakeholders Gather For Premier Asian Filtration Conference

BRUSSELS – December 11, 2018 – With 222 delegates from over 100 companies in attendance, FILTREX™ Asia was again confirmed as a key industry event for the filtration sector, showcasing EDANA’s mission to support the growth and sustainable development of the industry throughout the region.

The event, run in conjunction with the 7th Filtration & Separation Asia (FSA) event (the largest filtration exhibition in Asia), was co-organized by the China Filtration Society (CFS), China Nonwovens Technology Association (CNTA) and UBM China.

The conference examined the latest market trends and technical developments in the field of filtration and allowed extensive opportunities for attendees to network with industry peers and sector experts. Feedback from participants throughout the event emphasized satisfaction with the mix and quality of expert content and the many opportunities to meet with industry peers.

“We, at EDANA, are honored to have been chosen as a partner by CFS, CNTA and UBM China to hold our conference for the first time alongside the successful Filtration & Separation Asia event, the largest exhibition of its kind” said Pierre Wiertz, EDANA’s general manager, in his opening statement.

Professor Ji of The China University of Petroleum congratulated the organizer on the success of FILTREX Asia “thank you for organizing this excellent event. Inspired by China’s actual demand for filtration technology, the conference topics focused on advanced filtration materials, filtration technology, testing and practical applications. I am glad to see high-level technical experts from Europe, America, and Asia gathering together at the conference. The event provides a perfect platform for communications between filter media manufacturers, filtration testing instruments manufacturers and related R&D institutes.” Joerg Sievert, COO, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, agreed that the event was a great success with “two intensive days where 27 presentations were given about new technologies, testing techniques and standards. Filtration follows the global mega trend for cleaner air and cleaner water and has the social responsibility to improve the quality of life. This is a great chance for the industry to support global sustainability.”

Billy Hidjaja, CEO of Hadtex and Chairman of the Indonesian Nonwoven Association, said he found it “a very good idea to combine European and Chinese experts and stakeholders. We were able to compare and cross-check the different perspectives, test methodologies, production knowhow and etc from two major filtration industry areas. The number of attendees is vivid proof how successful this event is. Well done!”

Posted December 14, 2018

Source: EDANA