[TC]2, Cary, N.C., has unveiled the KX-16 next-generation 3-D body scanner offering expanded
functionality. KX-16 is targeted to the apparel, health and fitness, and medical markets.
Measuring 20 square feet and featuring 16 low-cost 3-D scanning sensors, KX-16 is the same
size as [TC]2’s current leading body-scanner, NX-16, but, at $10,000, is one-third the price.
[TC]2’s KX-16 3-D body scanner scans subject using 3-D scanning sensors.
KX-16 utilizes the same technology used by NX-16, with sensors placed around the body at four
specific heights and four specific angles to give complete and accurate body scans. The scanner
features an attached changing room and includes the full suite of [TC]2 Body Scanning software
functionality including automatic body measurements at more than 400 points; manual measurement
capabilities; embedded size selection for stock size apparel; embedded Made-to-Measure features for
custom apparel; automatic 3-D digital avatar creation including face texturing from a photo;
Virtual Fashion feature enabling quick virtual try-on of each apparel item; body shape and body fat
analysis tools; and a private self-scanning mode.
KX-16 also offers color scan data acquisition; low sensitivity to room light or sharp color
contrasts on the scan subjects; and generation of more than two million data points at full-body
March/April 2012