May/June 2022

On The Cover:

The Waterways collection is part of Culp Inc.’s LiveSmart® spring fabric line. Its water-inspired color palette was designed to create a hopeful sense of renewal, restoration and healing.

Executive Opinion

Textile Education Circa 2022, Part 3-Ish: The Importance Of Learning “Hand” And “Hands-On”

By Jim Kaufmann, Contributing Editor Recent issues of Textile World featured “Textile Education Circa 2022,” an article I wrote split into two parts that focused...

Quality Fabric Of The Month

Luxury, Lab-Grown Leather

VitroLabs’ cell-cultivated leather offers an environmentally- and animal-friendly alternative to traditional leather. By Rachael S. Davis, Executive Editor Many man-made leather alternatives can lack the lasting,...

From The Editor

State of the U.S. Textile Industry: Better Than Expected

By Jim Borneman, Editor In Chief Each year, Textile World editors look forward to the National Council of Textile Organization (NCTO) Chairman’s state of the...

Business & Financial

May/June 2022: Textile Activity At A Glance

May/June 2022

Yarn Market

Looking Toward The Future: What’s Next?

By Jim Phillips, Yarn Market Editor The U.S. textile industry was an industrial powerhouse that led the world in style, volume and quality during the...

Dyeing, Printing & Finishing News


May/June 2022: People

Bulletin Board