Interest In Hygienically Clean Certification Accelerates

LAS VEGAS — June 7, 2017 — Hygienically Clean programs that certify laundries for verifying best management practies (BMPs) and quantifying laundered product cleanliness continue to attract record interest from launderers, TRSA reported at Clean ‘17. More than 150 plants have now earned a Hygienically Clean designation.

Portending continued growth: nearly 100 more laundries are pursuing at least one Hygienically Clean certification (Food Safety, Food Service, Healthcare, Hospitality). This level of interest is a high for the program over the same time last year and the start of 2017.

The 2017 growth follows a record year of increased expansion, as 2016 saw the addition of 50 laundries to the list of certified plants. The Food Safety designation (for serving food manufacturers and processors) started in 2015; Food Service (restaurants) started last year and Hospitality (hotels), this year. Healthcare began in 2012; almost 100 percent of these early-adopter laundries achieved the standard again after their initial 3-year certification.

Achieving Hygienically Clean certification reflects laundries’ commitment to BMPs as verified by on-site inspection and capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

BMPs are described in the facility’s quality assurance documentation, the focal point of certification inspectors’ evaluations. This independent, third-party inspection also confirms essential evidence that:

  • Employees are properly trained and protected
  • Managers understand regulatory requirements
  • OSHA-compliant
  • Physical plant operates effectively

To become certified, laundries must pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating their processes are producing Hygienically Clean textiles and zero presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. Maintaining certification requires passing quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained.

Posted June 9, 2017

Source: TRSA