TORRANCE, Calif. — June 19, 2018 — CMTC is pleased to announce the addition of Advanced Robotics and Automation (ARA) consulting to our portfolio of manufacturing services throughout our California’s Manufacturing Network. Raminder Sandhu has joined CMTC in the position of Advanced Robotics & Automation Practice Lead. Raminder brings over 30 years of experience in engineering, manufacturing automation and technical sales to CMTC. He has worked at a diverse range of organizations, from Silicon Valley startups to Fortune 50 companies. In addition to Raminder’s expertise, CMTC has developed relationships with key resource partners across the state from industry, economic development and academia to support the advanced robotics and automation needs of small and medium-sized businesses.
Gregg Profozich, Director Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at CMTC, states, “The addition of the ARA program to our advanced manufacturing technology line-up provides small and medium-sized manufacturers access to a network of technical experts with knowledge of robotics and automation in the manufacturing environment.” CMTC is developing a suite of services for four technology focus areas that are primed to have an impact on the manufacturing process. In addition to advanced robotics, we are focusing on SMART manufacturing, additive manufacturing and flexible hybrid electronics as the logical next steps in the continuous improvement cycle for manufacturers. CMTCs goal for 2018 is to deliver these services through our California’s Manufacturing Network of providers.
CMTC continues to leverage national and local partnerships to access technology research, manufacturing applications and workforce skills development through the use of partnerships with national and regional organizations such as; Manufacturing USA Institutes, national research labs, universities and community colleges, and economic development corporations.
Robotics and automation have steadily advanced since first introduced to factory floors in the early 1960s. With advances in sensing and machine learning, today’s robots are more intelligent, versatile, flexible, and steadily falling in cost. With collaborative robots (cobots), workers are able to safely interact with the machines that can now do repetitive, hazardous and ergonomically challenging tasks. The result is improved worker safety and reduced lost-time costs. Industrial robotics and automation has become a priority for manufacturers as tighter labor markets and competitive pressures drive change. Small and medium-sized manufacturers who previously couldn’t afford robotics and automation are increasingly finding positive ROI as the cost of automation falls and the ease of use rises. Teaming human workers with robots on the assembly line will fundamentally change how products are manufactured. Recent studies have shown that the use of robotics and automation is actually helping boost productivity rather than reduce jobs.
CMTC is one of fifty-one Centers across the nation in the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Network which is part of the U.S. Government’s effort to develop and deploy technology, management and technical expertise for SMMs focused on improving their productivity and global competitiveness.
Posted June 19, 2018
Source: CMTC