DUQUESNE, Pa. — July 9, 2019 — Weighted blankets, once limited to helping comfort those with conditions such as anxiety, autism and ADHD, are now becoming a coveted tool for anyone seeking to de-stress and sleep better.i ii A new survey* from Pittsburgh-based American Textile Company, makers of innovative sleep products including Tranquility™ weighted blankets, found that one in 10 people (10%) are already weighted blanket believers, and more than one in five people (22%) would try a weighted blanket to help them relax and sleep better.
“Designed to help calm and comfort people who have trouble sleeping, including those with conditions such as stress, anxiety, and other conditions that can impact sleep, weighted blankets are not a new phenomenon,” says Patrick Seiffert, Senior Vice President of Marketing at American Textile Company. “However, the affordable, soft quilted design of Tranquility and its broad availability at retailers such as Walmart, Target, and Meijer make weighted blanket relaxation more accessible than ever.”
Snuggle Game Strong
The survey also reveals that a majority of people (59%) self-identify as snugglers, with only about one in 10 (12%) saying they are definitely not a snuggler. Younger adults – ages 18 to 34 – are the most likely to identify as snugglers (68%) and are also more likely to report good or excellent sleep quality (55% compared to 48% of all adults).
“There’s a reason snugglers report having better sleep,” says lifestyle expert, Jenn Falik. “Weighted blankets like Tranquility mimic the benefits of a hug or embrace by applying an even deep touch pressure to help ease anxiety and promote relaxation.”
Time to Unwind
When looking to relax and unwind after a long day, a majority of people (six in 10, or 62%) say chilling out at home and watching/streaming TV is part of their de-stress routine, followed closely by listening to music (46%), enjoying a nice meal (44%) or reading (41%). Additionally, about a third check/post to social media (32%) or play on their phones (31%).
“At the end of a long day, stress and anxiety can catch up with us,” says Falik. “Adding a weighted blanket into your wind-down routine of choice – be it cozying up on the couch with a show, great book or smartphone – may help.”
Tranquility™ Weighted Blankets Address Key Barriers to Trial
When considering barriers that might prevent them from trying a weighted blanket, most Americans reported a concern that it would be too hot (48%), followed closely by too expensive/not worth the money (38%) or that it might be too heavy/light (29%).
Tranquility™, the high-quality, affordable weighted blanket, features a plush outer cover with temperature-balancing technology** to keep you cool and dry. Designed to help adults and children relax, recharge and sleep more comfortably, the blankets are available in a range of weights from six to 20 pounds, with a recommended weight of about 10 percent of a person’s body weight, give or take a few pounds.
For more information on creating your ideal calm for sleep or while resting during the day, please visit www.tranquilitybedding.com/.
*Survey methodology: An omnibus survey of 2,837 American adults 18+ was designed and conducted online by Finn Partners Research, utilizing an online survey panel, developed by ORC International, between May 15 and May 18, 2019, on behalf of Tranquility™/American Textile Company.
**Temperature-balancing removable cover exclusive to Walmart.
Posted July 9, 2019
Source: Tranquility™