ALEXANDRIA, Va. — January 10, 2020 — TRSA’s yearly Human Resources, Safety and Production/Plant Tours summits are slated for the week of May 12-15 at the Embassy Suites Atlanta Airport. Owner/operators, executives and specialists in these areas should plan now to attend one or all three of these events to gain cutting-edge intelligence, plus peer networking opportunities in each of these critical areas of your operations.
The action will begin on May 12, with the 4th Annual Human Resources Summit. Here, attendees will get the latest information on key issues, including recruitment/retention challenges, how to deepen employee engagement and more. For example, keynote speaker Chip Madera, a motivational and performance strategist, will address issues including strategies for accelerating customer satisfaction, delivering results in times of radical change, exploring beliefs/actions needed to inspire your team and more. You’ll also get the lowdown on worksite health clinics, strategies for onboarding hourly employees, how to navigate rules for employee accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and more. Beyond that, a series of Facilitated Roundtables will encourage HR specialists and key managers to exchange ideas on what works and what’s needs to work better in terms of personnel practices and results.
To learn even more, stay on through May 13 for TRSA’s 9th Annual Safety Summit in the same location to experience a keynote address by widely recognized safety expert Karen Czor on how you can empower employees to develop a culture of safety in their workplaces. You’ll also learn about the added benefits of improved safety that can enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Other topics will include a focus on dealing with OSHA inspectors, This session will address how your company can prep for a surprise inspection with no surprises for regulators! Safety & Health Director Stephen Jenkins of Cintas Corp. also will present insights and information on how you can implement a strategy for reducing injuries in your plant and gathering information on developing an in-plant ergonomics program. Breakout sessions will consider related safety issues, including how to protect drivers, fall-prevention protocols, machine safeguarding, TRSA’s new Safety & Health Certification program and more. You can mull all these topics and more during peer-to-peer roundtables where you’ll exchange views on a wide range of safety-related topics.
Those attendees who also have an interest in plant operations will want to stay in Atlanta through May 14-15 for TRSA’s Annual Production Summit & Plant Tours. Keynote presenter Carl Smith of the Kevin Eikenberry Group will provide tactics for cultivating a healthy workplace culture. Ideas up for discussion will include how to recognize what works and what doesn’t in developing a results-oriented culture, plus strategies for building mutual respect and a vibrant workplace atmosphere. General sessions will consider these and other issues, such as effective communications with team members, addressing the most common potential hazards, violations that are most likely to draw OSHA penalties and more. Facilitated small group discussions will give you a chance to brainstorm with industry colleagues on where and how you can make improvements that can spur gains in growth, plus improvements in employee morale. A closing panel will address strategies for training front-line supervisors, a skillset that can have a huge impact on the growth of your business. Finally, on May 15 you’ll experience tours of three Atlanta-area plants: Alsco, Inc., NOVO Health Services LLC, and Tingue, Brown & Co.
Each of the programs outlined above will happen in one week, at one central location. All three will include not only educational programs, but also networking breaks and nightly receptions that will offer attendees additional opportunities to learn from peers. Put it all together and that translates to a great return on investment in education for key managers, executives and owner/operators. What’s more, attendees who specialize full-time in human resources and/or those attending the HR Summit for the first time can qualify for 50% or even 100% rebates on their registration fees. Other incentives for early registration apply as well. To learn more, visit, or Additional TRSA professional-development events can be reviewed at
Posted January 9, 2020
Source: TRSA