World Circular Textiles Day To Reveal Top 10 Circular Textiles Clothing Products At Annual Event On October 8

GLOBAL — October 2, 2024 — Is a circular fashion wardrobe a reality in 2024? At World Circular Textiles Day (WCTD), the organization tracking and emboldening circular textiles progress, we challenged ourselves to imagine that our whole wardrobe had been lost in a house fire. Our old clothes, now a pile of smouldering ashes, had been quite a careful mix of vintage, second hand, long-life classics and our fair share of fashionable mistakes. Luckily, we had insurance. So now we need new clothes. What could we buy now, to make a whole new circular wardrobe?

Using a six-point assessment criteria, WCTD  made a longlist of 30 circular textile clothing products available on the shop floor today. We then tasked 30 international experts — including Adriana Galijasevic, founder & CEO Cocircular Lab, Amsterdam; Hannah Carter, ReSkinned, London; Dr. Hanna de la Motte, Tree to Textile, RISE, Sweden; Hannah Lane, Redress, Hong Kong; Hélene Smits, Stating the Obvious, Amsterdam; Dr. Serena Bonomi, Circular Economy Innovation Consultant, Berlin; Tamara Cincik, Fashion Roundtable & Bath Spa Uni; and Lewis Perkins, Apparel Impact Institute, San Francisco — to create a final shortlist of the Top 10, which will be revealed at our annual event on October 8.

Event Details

Facilitator: Becky Earley, co-founder of World Circular Textiles Day 2050, UAL Chair of Circular Design Futures, Design School, Chelsea

Panel 1: Circularity Perspectives

Global experts will discuss the Top 10 product shortlist, bringing unique perspectives to this year’s circular products and discussing how their work contributes to the ecosystem.

  • Shelly Gottschamer, New York | Accelerating Circularity
  • Tricia Carey, New York | Catalyzing Circularity
  • Jai Prakash, Usha Yarns, Chandigarh, India | Manufacturing Circularity
  • Ina Budde, Circle Fashion, Berlin, Germany | Verifying Circularity
  • Kate Goldsworthy, University of the Arts London Innovation Lab, UK | Quantifying Circularity

Panel 2: Product Deep Dive

Introducing the Tree Jumper — what it is made from; how it was made; what were the challenges; what are the opportunities ahead for their companies and the industry as a whole.

  • Anna Pehrsson, Engineer and R&D Partnership Lead, Texaid, Zug, Switzerland
  • Robin Gnehm, Co-Founder & CPO at NIKIN AG, Lenzburg, Aargau, Switzerland

NewsRound: 2024

WCTD’s annual round up of breakthrough highlights from around the world and what others are doing to celebrate WCTD this year.

Join Us Online

Get your ticket via the Eventbrite booking form here. Zoom details will be sent by email 24 hours before the event.

Posted October 1, 2024

Source: World Circular Textiles Day