DuPont Artistri Launches Grand Format Model

dpfnewsDuPont Imaging Technologies, Wilmington, Del., introduced the DuPont Artistri 3320
grand format digital textile printer to the North American market at the recent International Sign
Association International Sign Expo in Las Vegas.

“The Artistri 3320 adds 3.3-meter-wide printing capabilities that create new applications for
the digital printing of textiles,” said Mike Lazzara, global product manager, DuPont Artistri. “We
are now able to deliver beautiful printing on textile media as wide as 3.4 meters [more than 11
feet] with a printable area of 3.3 meters [more than 10 feet].”

The printer is available as part of an integrated system, which also includes accompanying
ink and software.

May/June 2007