SETeMa Introduces Portafix Universal Wide Fixation Unit

The new Portafix Universal 3400
fixation unit from the Netherlands-based SETeMa BV accommodates the wide-format textile printing
market with a 3,400-millimeter width, and is suitable for fabrics such as polyester and nylon
printed with water-based dyes. The new unit can be tuned for steam and hot air fixation for
temperatures ranging from 100°C to 180°C, and dwell times from two to 30 minutes.


SETeMa’s new Portafix

Universal wide fixation unit

Other features include modular infeed and outfeed frame for increased flexibility in fabric
handling; higher fabric contents for increased production speeds; Autostart and Autostop programs;
built-in steam generator; fixed connections for water supply, steam/air exhaust and condensate
waste water; and maintenance-free chains; among others.

July/August 2007