Manufacturers Chemicals LLC Adds EcoWet To EcoCare Products

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — April 9, 2012 — Kevin Hrebenar, Executive Vice President of Manufacturers
Chemicals, announced the introduction of EcoWet 65 as an addition to the EcoCare Family of Products
introduced last year.

EcoWet 65 is a new type of “Hybrid Surfactant” that can replace traditional
Dioctylsulfosucconate chemistry, or ethoxolated alcohols using dramatically lower solids.  The
material has lower BOD and COD, lower foam, and lower VOC than the products it replaces. 

Kevin stated, “because we are exchanging performance for solids, the environmental impact is
comparable to cutting the chemical use in half.  We have the ability to tailor this product to
specific uses and improve the environmental profile in many cases.”

Posted on April 17, 2012

Source: Manufacturers Chemicals