AATCC’s UV Calibration Reference Fabric Designed To Ensure Precise Color Communication

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. — February 25, 2013 — AATCC’s Ultraviolet (UV) Calibration Reference
Fabric helps ensure accurate color communication throughout the textile supply chain accurate,
saving everyone time and money from expensive miscommunications.

Not all reference fabrics are created equal.  AATCC’s optically brightened reference
fabric has been calibrated to a national standardizing lab. In fact, AATCC’s optically brightened
reference fabric is designed to give more accurate measurements than the non-textile UV calibration
plaques usually supplied with a spectrophotometer.

This UV Calibration Reference Fabric provides a target CIE-Whiteness value that can be used
to accurately adjust spectrophotometers for measuring optically-brightened textiles, no matter
which method an instrument uses to calibrate UV content. And because UV content will be properly
calibrated for textiles, users will see more consistent results from one spectrophotometer to

In addition, the spectral data from optically-brightened textiles can be exchanged more
accurately within the supply chain and digitally-based quality assessments will be more precise and
easier to accomplish. 

The bottom line?  When retailer, brand, and manufacturer numbers agree, all parties can
be more confident in approval decisions. For additional information or to make a purchase contact
Suzanne Holmes, AATCC’s Technical Product/Program Manager, at +1 919 549 3537 or go to the
“Products” section of the AATCC website at www.aatcc.org.

Posted on March 5, 2013

Source: AATCC