LÜNEBERG, Germany — April 1, 2015 — The demand for high-tech CO2 laser systems for large-format cutting is growing worldwide. In particular countries with a large manufacturing industry are always on the look-out for new manufacturing technologies. In line with this trend eurolaser continues to extend its bases of competence in other European countries. In April 2015, it opened a new branch office in Poland.
Mariusz Deptuch, Manager of eurolaser Poland, said: ‘We are looking forward to being able to offer competent and personal consultation on the Polish market as of now in the local language. Proximity to the customer is a key factor, in particular where industrial products in need of explanation are concerned. So the establishment of eurolaser Poland is an important step towards acquainting the manufacturing industry in Poland with the many benefits laser technology has to offer. Thanks to our competent team we are in a position to ensure both market-orientated and individual consultation before a purchase as well as a technical customer service after a purchase. Our on-the-spot location enables us to respond quickly. The customer also benefits from short distances and saves on travel expenses.’
eurolaser Poland expands the international presence of the German premium manufacturer of laser systems. The CO2 laser systems are used primarily for the processing of acrylics, plastic films, technical textiles and wood.
Posted April 7, 2015
Source: Eurolaser