Demand For World Polypropylene To Expand

World demand for polypropylene is forecast to expand 5.9 percent per year to nearly 30 million
metric tons in the year 2002, valued at $27 billion, according to World Polypropylene, a report
from The Freedonia Group Inc., Cleveland.

The report says that this is the strongest growth forecast for any of the major
thermoplastics, and only polyethylene will offer comparable gains.

Strong gains in the demand for polypropylene are attributed to its excellent environmental
profile. It is non-toxic and easily recyclable.

Freedonia reports that many of the resins new applications, particularly in packaging, are
coming at the expense of polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride, two resins that have been the subject
of regulatory restrictions related to solid waste issues and potential toxicity.

All of the major markets for polypropylene will see solid gains, the report says, with the
fiber and consumer goods markets offering the best opportunities. The strongest gains in fiber
demand are being driven by nonwovens, such as medical goods and disposable diapers.World
Polypropylene is available for $3,900 from The Freedonia Group Inc., 767 Beta Dr., Cleveland, Ohio

January 1999