Solutia Introduces Vapor-Phase Heat-Transfer Fluid

Solutia IntroducesVapor-Phase Heat-Transfer FluidSolutia Inc., St. Louis, has introduced Therminol VP-3 vapor-phase heat-transfer fluid. The low-odor fluid has a boiling point of 243°C 14°C lower than the boiling point of 257°C for current vapor-phase heat-transfer fluids.That boiling point difference of just 14°C can have a major impact on the efficiency of nylon and specialty polymer operations, said Dale Kline, worldwide business manager, heat-transfer fluids. It enables manufacturers to easily process or spin nylon 6 or specialty polyester-based polymers at a lower temperature, which they could previously achieve only by operating a conventional biphenyl/ diphenyl oxide heat-transfer system under vacuum.January 2002