Sterling Capital Buys Controlling Interest In Optimer

Sterling Capital Partners — a Baltimore- and Chicago-based middle-market private equity fund that
makes growth-oriented investments in a wide range of industries — has purchased a controlling
interest in Wilmington, Del.-based Optimer Inc.

Optimer Inc. — which includes the Optimer Performance Fibers (OPF) division and its
Dri-release® with FreshGuard® moisture-release and odor-blocking textile technology — offers
internal and contract research, development and consulting services involving advanced polymer
technologies, fiber and fabric processes, environmental protection and health promotion, among

The acquisition will enable Optimer to promote and grow its services, as well as support and
protect OPF’s trademarks and patents.

“We first became acquainted with Sterling in 2006 while working with them to develop a
fire-retardant version of Dri-release for one of their divisions,” said Dr. John W. Moore, CEO, and
a member of Optimer’s founding family. “We chose the company to join us because of their
unparalleled success in helping grow companies like ours.”

March 4, 2008