BIELLA, Italy — November 18, 2020 — On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 10.30 a.m., Filo presents its 55th edition in a webinar.
In the first part of the online meeting, Paolo Monfermoso, general manager of Filo, will show operators the news about the February 2021 appointment. The second part of the meeting will be reserved to the product development proposals elaborated for the 55th edition of Filo by Gianni Bologna, Filo’s creativity and style manager.
The presentation of the exhibition and the product development proposals will be the first stage of the path leading to the 55th edition of Filo, scheduled at MiCo – Milan Convention Centre – February 24-25, 2021.
Filo has chosen to host the presentation of December 15 through a webinar, partly because of the many limitations related to health emergency, but especially because the online event highlights the new way to present the product development proposals, which includes live speeches and previously registered videos.
The theme for the 55th edition of Filo chosen by Gianni Bologna (responsible for Filo’s creativity and style) is “Single tickets”, using three key words: re-creating, re-thinking and re-starting.
Posted November 18, 2020
Source: Filo