Lectra Systemes Acquires Prima Design Signs Letter Of Intent With Stork

Lectra Systs, Paris, recently announced it has acquired Prima Design Systems Ltd., Hong Kong, as
part of a series of strategic moves Lectra has taken to consolidate its leadership in the global
CAD market for textile-related industries.Prima has more than 3,000 design stations and 1,300
customers worldwide. It is a pioneer in the development of CAD systems for the fashion, apparel and
textile industries.The companys 1998 revenues were $2.8 million, 85 percent of which were from
software sales.Lectra has acquired 100 percent of Prima Designs stock for a total consideration of
$3.1 million in cash and Lectra shares, plus an earn-out of up to $1.5 million designed to retain
the development and marketing talents of Prima founders and managers.Stork AgreementLectra also
announced it has signed a letter of intent with Stork, the Netherlands, to enter into a worldwide
strategic partnership whereby the two companies will jointly develop and market integrated
solutions for textile digital printing.The companies share a common vision of the future revolution
that the association of CAD, digital printing and automated cutting will bring in the
textile-related industries, and of its impact, from design to production, in significantly reducing
time-to-market and cutting production costs.The partnership includes immediate actions and product
offerings for prototypes, samples and small series, printed precisely as they are created on CAD
systems, as well as longer term projects, for which the companies have decided to coordinate their
future research, development, marketing, sales and services organization in order to provide
comprehensive and integrated solution, based on a common technology platform.

June 1999