ASTM To Develop Standards For Protective Garments

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Committee F23 on Protective Clothing, West
Conshohocken, Pa., is developing new standards to evaluate the effects of protective garments on
humans in hot environments. An ASTM Human Factors Subcommittee will focus on factors associated
with protective clothing worn to prevent heat stress in hot, warm or humid conditions.The
subcommittee has established bench-scale and manikin-based test methods and practices to evaluate
the insulative effects of protective clothing material and garments. It now seeks new members or
input as it develops a methodology related to heat-stress incidence.The subcommittee proposes two
standards: (1) a Standard Guide for Conducting Evaluations of the Heat Stress Effects for
Protective Clothing; and (2) a Standard Practice for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personal Body
Cooling Garments (or Devices).Those interested in participating should contact Elizabeth A.
McCullough, professor, Institute for Environmental Research, Kansas State University, Manhattan,
Kan.; (785) 532-2284; e-mail:

October 2001