Garmatex Performance Fabric Breakthrough: Kottinu™ Surpasses Demanding Occupational Health And Safety Standards, Winning Coveted Approval Of Firefighters

VANCOUVER, Canada — June 6, 2013 — Garmatex Technologies, Inc., an innovative leader in the
research and development of scientifically-engineered fabrics and technologies, has successfully
completed the testing of its Kottinu™ fabric to occupational health and safety (“OHS”) standards
for use in garments worn underneath protective wear. The accredited, third party testing was
initiated to qualify Kottinu™, with its “cotton-like” comfort and feel, as a alternative to the
traditional cotton fabric currently favored by firefighters.

Darren Berezowski, Garmatex President, says “Statistics show that heat/stress exhaustion
leading to a heart attack is the number one killer of firefighters across North America. The ISO
17493:2000 test substantiates that the thermal stability of Kottinu™ exceeds the requirements of
section 31.15 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (British Columbia) standards by a
wide margin.”

“Just as important,” said Berezowski; “are the moisture management aspects of the fabric that
assist in helping the body moderate the effects of excessive heat buildup as well as regulating the
cooling process so there is a less dramatic effect on the body during the rehab/cool down period.”
Berezowski also noted that, “These dynamic performance aspects combined with the “cotton-like”
comfort and feel of the fabric is what the firefighters find most impressive.”

Darrell Smith, an assistant Fire Chief in a prominent Canadian municipality and a veteran
firefighter, says; “Firefighters are not dying because they are getting burnt in a fire.
Firefighters are overheating and having heart attacks.” Endeavoring to provide his team with the
best protective equipment available, he adopted the Kottinu™ shirt for field testing within his
department a few years ago and predicts that other fire departments will do the same “once they are
enlightened on what this product is.”

Martin Doane, CEO of Garmatex, says the Kottinu™ product has far-reaching potential
applications: “The evolution of our technologies is ongoing and the cooperation of groups within
the segments we serve provides a valuable contribution. Rigorous standards, such as those that must
be adhered to within the firefighting industry, allow us to build upon and demonstrate the superior
quality and attributes of our Kottinu™ product and technology and opens the door to the global
opportunity to serve this industry and others. With proven results that it outperforms cotton on a
multitude of levels, Kottinu™, designed with our fiberithm technology, is the next standard for a
true cotton-like performance fabric.”

Posted on June 24, 2013

Source: Garmatex Technologies Inc./PRNewswire