KARL MAYER Has Opened A New R&D Centre For Denim In Italy

OBERTSHAUSEN, Germany — December 6, 2019 — November 14-15, 2019, KARL MAYER ROTAL expanded its denim centre of excellence with an in-house show for its customers and celebrated at the same time the 50th anniversary of its birth. There is now a brand new competence centre featuring a GREENDYE pilot installation, academy, show room and meeting rooms in an area covering 500 square meters.

The expansion offers customers new opportunities to make their production more efficient and sustainable, as demonstrated by an event program that included a factory tour, machinery show and specialist presentations.

Around 34 representatives from international customers accepted the invitation to Mezzolombardo. The guests were particularly impressed by the 13-meter-long pilot installation. The equipment is used to simulate the environmentally friendly and efficient nitrogen dyeing technology in real-life conditions on a scale of 1:10.

In addition, KARL MAYER ROTAL stands out thanks to its comprehensive service. “The customers can come to us with their yarn. We dye and warp it, and working with our Italian partners, we then turn it into woven fabrics that are comparable with previous products. Many guests were I was even able to discuss some specific projects,” said Stefano Agazzi, chief of Technology and Products, when summarizing the event’s success.

Posted December 6, 2019

Source: KARL MAYER Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH