ZELE, Belgium — September 20, 2018 — The Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) and Drylock Technologies NV have entered into a global cross-license agreement to expand their intellectual property rights into the so called “Channel” and ‘Channel’ with associated wetness indicator strips technology. The “Channel” technology is used to enhance performance of absorbent hygiene products such as baby care taped diapers and pants as well as adult incontinence diapers and pants. Drylock and P&G each offer their own kind of channel technology: Drylock is offering and selling this patent protected innovation under the brand name “Magical Tubes®”while P&G commercializes its patent protected innovation under the brand name “Air Channels™”. The terms and conditions of this cross-license agreement in between P&G and Drylock are confidential.
Posted September 19, 2018
Source: Drylock Technologies NV