Global Growth Eases;World Production LowerGlobal yarn and fabric production eased over the fourth
quarter 2000, according to a report issued by Switzerland-based International Textile Manufacturers
Federation (ITMF). The ease in production was accompanied by a small increase in world stocks and a
moderate decline in orders.World yarn production continued to decline during the quarter, falling
by 3.2 percent. The decline reflected an 8.9-percent drop in U.S. output and a 3.1-percent
reduction in Asian production. In contrast, European yarn production rose by 5.8 percent over the
quarter.Globally, fabric production was stable, declining 0.5 percent. Compared to the fourth
quarter 1999, U.S. fabric production has declined 6.8 percent, while European output has risen 1.3
percent and Asian production has gained 7.7 percent.
June 2001