CEMATEX Reconfirms ITMA 2003 Will Be In Birmingham

Cematex ReconfirmsITMA 2003 Will Be In BirminghamThe France-based European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (CEMATEX) issued a statement reconfirming the International Exhibition of Textile Machinery (ITMA) 2003 will be held October 22-29, at the National Exhibition Center (NEC), Birmingham, United Kingdom.The structure of ITMA 2003 organization has been adjusted to include a supervisory committee. Evelyne Cholet, general secretary, CEMATEX, will lead the committee, with assistance from Thomas Waldmann, general secretary, German Engineering Federation (VDMA); Lukas Sigrist, general secretary, Swissmem (Textile Division); and a technical advisor, yet to be named. The supervisory committee will ensure that the CEMATEX rules are observed by the NEC.CEMATEX also announced the addition of the Textile Machinery Association of Sweden (TMAS) as a member of its association.November 2001