Spartanburg, S.C.-based textile and chemical manufacturer Milliken & Company has for the second
time been named one of America’s Safest Companies by EHS Today magazine, becoming the first company
to be a repeat winner. Once a company receives the award, it must wait five years to be considered
again. Milliken first received the award in 2004, and is among 12 companies recognized this year.
Since America’s Safest Companies was launched in 2002, 120 organizations have received the
award. Award criteria include employee involvement and support from company management; innovative
solutions to safety challenges; injury and illness rates lower than their industries’ average;
implementation of comprehensive training programs; evidence that the safety process is based on
accident prevention; good communication about the value of safety; and a method to prove the
benefits of the safety process.
“Milliken’s safety process is driven and owned by the company’s production associates and
supported from the very top,” said Kevin Cox, corporate safety manager, Milliken. “Our leadership
believes that safety is our number one core value and understands that the best person to tell you
how to run a job safely is the person actually doing the job.”
Milliken reports that it has experienced considerable success with its safety process —
Milliken Performance Solutions® (MPS) — and now offers it to other manufacturing companies as
well, under the trademark Milliken Safety Way™.
October 5, 2010