WASHINGTON — March 22, 2013 — NCTO is working to put together an informative and thought-provoking
program for its annual meeting at the Grand Hyatt Washington April 15-17, 2013. Following are
the speakers who have confirmed or have been invited to address attendees during the meeting.
Featured Dinner Speaker
Honorable Francisco Sánchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, U.S.
Department of Commerce, a strong supporter of the textile industry and of increased trade between
the United States and its Western Hemisphere partners, will address the group regarding textile
issues and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Export-Import Finance Seminar
Export-Import Bank officials
Walter Kosciow, Vice President, Short-Term Trade Finance and
Jim Newton, Credit Portfolio Management – Small Business Group, will discuss the evolution
of Bank financing policy and how recently implemented legislation has caused the Bank to
specifically look at new and innovative ways to finance textile shipments. This session will
begin at 4:30 on Monday afternoon and will include time for Q&A.
Fiber Session
Alasdair Carmichael, President (Americas) of PCI Fibres, will present at the fiber session
on Monday afternoon beginning at 3:00 p.m. Alasdair has over 35 years experience in the
Synthetic Fibers industry, having lived in Europe, Asia and the U.S. in this time and been involved
in the fibers industry in all the major markets of the world. Schedule your travel to arrive
early enough to participate in this informative session.
Defense Logistics Agency
Warfighter Director
Craig Rettie of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) has been invited to address the attendees
on the effects of sequestration during the general session on Tuesday afternoon.
Administration Representatives
Kim Glas, U.S. Department of Commerce, and
Gail Strickler, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative, will update members on the TPP
negotiations during the members only session on Tuesday afternoon.
Members of Congress
U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) will address the group during the general session on Tuesday
The Following Congressional Representatives have been invited to Speak to NCTO:
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman
Devin Nunes (R-CA), and Ways and Means Committee Member and Textile Caucus Co-Chair
Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).
Members of Congress Participating in Tuesday Morning Breakfast Buffet include
Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC), Representative
Robert Pittenger (R-NC), Representative
Mark Meadows (R-NC), and Representative
George Holding (R-NC).
Invited: Representative Doug Collins (R-GA)
Posted on March 26, 2013
Source: NCTO