New Textile Organization Will Stress Lobbying

A group of textile industry executives and their suppliers is in the process of developing a new
organization to help beef up the industry’s lobbying efforts in Washington. Known as the National
Council of Textile Organizations, (NCTO) the new group expects to attract textile companies, fiber
suppliers, machinery manufacturers and others. It will work in close cooperation with other
organizations such as the National Textile Association, the American Manufacturing Trade Action
Coalition and the National Cotton Council, since those groups have common goals with respect to
international trade issues. In addition to lobbying on trade issues, the NCTO will also work on
some regulatory matters.

The new organization came about after merger talks between the American Textile Manufacturers
Institute (ATMI) and the American Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA) broke down. Both organizations
have been hurting in recent years as poor business conditions led to loss of members and financial
support. It has not yet been determined what effect the new organization will have on ATMI and

ATMI Chairman Jim Chesnutt sees the new organization as a positive development that should
help a broad segment of textile interests speak with a unified voice and strengthen its position in
Washington. He said the NCTO will include a number of councils that will deal with such things as
international trade, fibers, home furnishings, machinery and other supplier issues.

March 2004