Textiles and other manufacturing industries have major concerns with the House-passed climate and
energy bill, fearing it will increase their energy costs and hurt their ability to compete with
foreign manufacturers. The bill, which squeaked through the House by a seven-vote margin, makes
major changes in the way energy is created, sold and consumed. It sets up a complex system for
controlling carbon dioxide emissions by utilities and industries. It also calls for greater use of
renewable energy resources and measures to increase energy efficiency.
Cass Johnson, president of the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), issued a
statement expressing his organization’s “strong disappointment” with the bill and vowed to make
changes in the Senate, stating, “NCTO, along with virtually every other manufacturing sector,
opposed this bill because it will significantly increase energy costs for domestic manufacturers
and not those of its overseas competitors.” He said that while language has been added to the bill
providing for a border adjustment tax to offset any advantages given to countries that do not
impose carbon emission taxes on their manufacturers, the language is “too discretionary and would
not allow the textile industry, even if the measure is implemented, to benefit because the
trade-impacted industries are not given a high enough priority.”
At a briefing for energy reporters in Washington over the weekend, President Barack Obama
said he is opposed to the border tax. “At a time when the economy worldwide is in recession and we
have seen a significant drop in world trade, I think we have to be careful about sending out any
protectionist signals,” he said, adding that he believes there may be ways to deal with the problem
other than with tariffs.
June 30, 2009