Fruit Of The Loom AdoptsSchlafhorst’s Belcoro® LabelFruit of the Loom has adopted Germany-based W.
Schlafhorst AGandCo.s Belcoro® quality label on its range of value weight T-shirts. Schlafhorsts
Belcoro label certifies yarns made on Schlafhorsts Autocoro automatic rotor spinning machines and
the fabrics made from these yarns satisfy Belcoro Quality Standards. The label includes the slogan
Softer Feel for Comfort.To differentiate itself from its competitors, Schlafhorst is developing new
textiles from fiber to the finished product, according to John Cundill, managing director,
Schlafhorst Autocoro GmbH. Merely producing textile machines no longer suffices for maintaining the
position of worldwide leader, said Cundill. This partnership has been forged as a result of the
fact that Schlafhorst develops complete textile solutions jointly with its customers.
October 2003